by Jean-Christophe Lemay October 13, 2022 13 Comments
You may remember my fabulous and long-awaited encounter with the Canada lynx last winter? Here is the story behind this series of photos and these moments that I will never forget… (I still get chills just thinking about it!).
Few months ago, I finally decide to head to the heart of the boreal forest in the territory of Eeyou Istchee Baie-James, a place that I have always wanted to explore. I always travel with my van now, it's my adventure vehicle and my "hotel" during my photo trips. It allows me to sleep directly on the spot and still have access to a warm and safe place in the event of an accident. At 6 a.m. on a cold winter day after a long journey of thousands of kilometers, the famous van decides that I only have 10 starts left before officially no longer starting. For those who are familiar with the emission control systems of certain European vans, you know how completely absurd and annoying this function is (the countdown of starts, not the principle of not polluting…. that, I obviously agree). I'll spare the details, but let's say that an 8-hour drive from the nearest dealership, deep in a forest road, generates some anxiety. Conclusion : I have to leave 5 days earlier than planned, with a hundred images of willow ptarmigans at most after having traveled more than 2000 km. Far from what I had in mind as a trip, let's say... especially after only 2 days there.
On the way back, a little disappointed, I decide to take all possible detours to maximize my chances of encountering animals. Accessible dirt roads, villages surrounded by forest, small roads, any potential place, I go. I tell myself that as long as I go back, I will take all the time possible and hope to meet the rich and wild fauna of this region. After all, I have ten starts left, but as long as the ignition is on, no problem. Every track I see, I stop and watch; is it fresh? What animal wlaked here? Do I have any chance of finding it? About fifty stops and detours later, I remain hopeful, but the more the day advances, the less I believe in it and I accept it peacefully.
There are only 45 minutes left in the day, and I continue to observe. At one point, I see tracks on my left that I immediately recognize: Canada Lynx. I will have seen hundreds of them during these thousands of kilometers, but these are fresh, and above all… numerous. I continue to drive for a kilometer before saying to myself: okay I have to go see; I turn around. I analyze the scene a bit and notice that they have first crossed the road, they seem to have rested just at the edge of the forest, they are definitely a few individuals… and as I look up towards the woods, I see of one of the three lynx present. A fraction of a second that I will never forget... but that's not all.
For the second time in my life, I meet the Canada lynx and not one, but three who are looking straight at me; at this moment I forget everything that is happening around me. I feel like I'm dreaming and I can hardly believe it. After all these years, I finally see them in front of me and they are beautiful. At first glance, they are so relaxed and a little curious that I think I see three youngsters. Two are snuggled up against each other, and a third more in the forest and more discreet. I immediately take pictures, thinking that everything would last a few seconds at most, but no. They stay, lying down, almost asleep and again, I can't believe what I'm witnessing.
I come back to my senses a bit and I begin to analyze the situation with more hindsight: it is a mother with a young, and a male who completes the trio, he is the one who is more hidden in the forest. I keep asking myself “But why…why are they standing still?! ". They are such stealthy and difficult animals to observe… The sun is setting and time is running out… darkness is setting in and I can barely see them in the shadows of the boreal forest. Will I have the privilege of seeing them again tomorrow? Maybe not. I drop the camera and sit down in front of them. I can't remember having savored a moment as much as this in my entire life. I stay alongside them until dark, before returning to my van. I slowly recover from my emotions and then I think about the fact that I am on the road, and that I must probably continue my journey towards the city. In my head, I say to myself “okay I only have a few starts left, but to possibly see the family again tomorrow, first hour, that's probably worth two starts less, right? ". Yes, definitely. I park a hundred yards away in a small, safe, public driveway.
I try to relax, fall asleep, but I keep thinking about them. At this time, 7 p.m., they may be lying in the same place, or already miles away, I will know tomorrow. I barely sleep and the alarm rings, it's 5:45 a.m., I get up immediately, put on my warm clothes and start exploring on a path just behind the edge without too many expectations. I had just checked to see if they were in the same location, but no... After an hour of observing old tracks, I come back by the road and pass by the place where I saw them yesterday. There are only about fifty meters left before arriving at my vehicle, a little disappointed, when I see the young one coming out of the forest...
Observing lynx for several hours is a dream, but seeing them two days in a row is unexpected. I settle down slowly, and I let the time pass, watching him in his routine. I take pictures, but much less than the day before. The young lynx then decide to lay down very close, and as sun as the sun rises, it hits that exact spot, which the animal probably knew. The rays reach his fur, a last furtive look and a goodbye wink, he closes his eyes looking at me one last time, and I decide to leave at this precise moment.
Thank you for taking some of your time to read this adventure story, do not hesitate to share your comments with me in the section below. You will also find various links to products that feature photos of this incredible encounter, including my two 2023 calendars, just below. Thank you for everything.
Jean-Christophe Lemay
February 03, 2023
Je viens juste de lire ton récit extraordinaire, et plus que j’en sais de ton travail, plus que j’admire tes aventures et persévérance. J’adore ce que tu fais et avec passion pour la nature. À chaque fois que je vois une de tes photos, je pense maintenant à tout ce qu’il y a derrière. Continu à nous montrer ton beau travail et nous raconter tes belles et froides aventures !!!!
October 15, 2022
Magnifique…… Votre incroyable persévérance et votre patience à toute épreuve portent leurs fruits, et ces lynx s’offrent à vous, ressentant que vous êtes un humain rempli d’Amour pour les animaux. Les animaux ont tellement à nous apprendre et les observer nous nourrit profondément…
Bonne et belle continuation JC Lemay dans cette magnifique et louable aventure, et à bientôt d’autres beautés animales !
October 15, 2022
Merci pour ce récit et encore de superbes photos d’espèces méconnues et que l’on ne trouve pas dans notre pays. Vous nous faites voyager et découvrir des paysages et des animaux fabuleux.
October 14, 2022
J’ai adoré votre récit! Il est très bien détaillé et j’avais l’impression d’être sur place!
Merci pour ce magnifique partage!
October 14, 2022
Quel merveilleux récit merci ! Et qu’elle chance de pouvoir partager votre temps avec ces félins, ne serait-ce qu’un instant. Croiser leur regard semble si magique ! Je vous envie de pouvoir vivre de tels moments. Vos photos sont toujours magnifiques.L’ année passée j’admirais chaque jour votre calendrier.
Continuez à nous rapporter vos aventures avec la faune, c’est très agréable. Merci !
October 14, 2022
Merci pour ce beau récit. Je comprends ton émerveillement devant ce bel animal pour l’avoir vécu moi-même à quelques reprises en croisant son cousin le lynx roux. De croiser son regard est indescriptible comme sensation. C’est comme rencontrer la sagesse et la connaissance infinies, la beauté pure. Toute ma gratitude pour toutes les photos que tu partages.
October 14, 2022
Merci pour ce beau récit. Je comprends ton émerveillement devant ce bel animal pour l’avoir vécu moi-même à quelques reprises en croisant son cousin le lynx roux. De croiser son regard est indescriptible comme sensation. C’est comme rencontrer la sagesse et la connaissance infinies, la beauté pure. Toute ma gratitude pour toutes les photos que tu partages.
October 14, 2022
Tu es donc bien chanceux d’avoir pu vivre ces beaux moments. Moi, je ne sais pas si j’aurais resté là ou si j’aurais pas pris mes jambes à mon cou ahah! Beaux gros minous!
October 14, 2022
WowoW Magnifique! Un super beau cadeau de la Vie! Tu aimes tellement les animaux qu’ils viennent vers toi! C’est génial je suis heureuse pour toi Bonne rencontres!
October 13, 2022
Merveilleux!! J’imagine l’émotion d’avoir un contact visuel avec les lynx .. !! Woowww !!!! 🤩
La Vie, le Maître du monde animal, t’ont fait un beau cadeau!!! Gratitude 🙏
by Jean-Christophe Lemay March 20, 2025 5 Comments
Les quelques dizaines de secondes passées à plonger mon regard dans celui du renard arctique, mon tout premier, auront suffi pour réanimer ma motivation. Dès l’aube, en fait bien avant, je suis déjà prêt à affronter le froid pour partir à sa recherche. Comme il semble avoir des habitudes plus nocturnes, j’adopte le même comportement pour maximiser mes chances de le croiser à nouveau. Pas de chance ce matin là.
by Jean-Christophe Lemay March 11, 2025 11 Comments
I was reluctant for a long time to return to the James Bay Eeyou-Istchee territory this winter. Not because of last year's journey, as described in my book Taïga, but mainly because I felt that the images obtained during the trip would be difficult to top. How could I experience more emotions than a full afternoon photographing a family of Canada lynx? Or when 20 caribou rush straight towards me? The distance between Rimouski and the Transtaiga road is also considerable. Over 20 hours by car and almost 2000 km, some of it on very isolated roads. Nevertheless, a species that is rarely, if ever, seen in this region convinced me to get behind the wheel and set off on my adventure.
by Jean-Christophe Lemay December 29, 2023 9 Comments
Year 2023 is already coming to an end, and what an intense 12 months it's been! Without a doubt, one of the best years of my life, both personally and entrepreneurially.
Jean-Christophe Lemay
Photographe de nature professionnel basé à Rimouski, au Québec.